Today I will write about an organ that is very important to the human body, the skin. Without this organ the human body will have an ugly appearance. Really if we do not have skin what we would see would be our muscles. The skin is the largest organ of the body, made with several components, including protein, lipids, water and different minerals and chemicals. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, cold and it is made to be tough and stretchy. Skin has three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis).
The skin color is created by cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin. Melanocytes are located in the epidermis. The first layer is the epidermis, the outermost or top layer of skin, the part of the skin we can see, provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. It is too super thin on some parts of our body (eyelids) and thicker on others parts (the bottoms of our feet). Is the layer in charge of making new skin cells. This happens at the bottom of the epidermis and the cells travel up to the top layer and flake off, about a month after they form. In addition, giving skin its color, the epidermis makes melanin, which is whats gives our skin its color. Furthermore, protecting our body, the epidermis has special cells that are part of our immune system and help our stay healthy.
The second layer is the dermis,beneath the epidermis, it is much thicker and does a lot for our body, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands. This layer is in charge of making sweat, there are little pockets called sweat glands. They work making sweat, which goes through a small tubes and comes out of pores (sweating keeps us cool and helps us get rid of bad stuff our body does not need). Too, is in charge of helping our feel things, nerve endings in this layer help us feel things. The nerve send signals to our brain, making us know how somethings feels if it hurts, is itchy or feels nice when us touch it. The dermis is where we will find the roof of each tiny hair on our skin. Each root attaches to a tiny muscle that tightens and gives us goose bumps when we are cold or scared. This layer too make oil, and the oil keeps our skin soft, smooth and waterproof. Sometimes the glands make too much oil and give us pimples. By last, blood feeds our skin and takes away bad stuff through little tubes called blood vessels.
The last layer is the deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) or subcutaneous fat that is made of fat and connective tissue. The layer that have an important role in the body, has a special connecting tissue that attaches the dermis to our muscles and bones, and the blood vessels and nerve cells that start in the dermis get bigger and go to the rest of our body from here. Is the layer that helps keep our body from getting too warm or too cold. The fat pads our muscles and bones and protects them from bumps and falls.
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