domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Immune System

Multicellular animals have cells or tissues only they are facing the threat of infections. Some of these responses are immediate, so that an infectious agent can be contained quickly; others are slower, but also more specific for the infectious agent. Collectively, this protection is known as immune system. The human immune system is essential to our survival in a world full of potentially dangerous microbes, and a serious deterioration, can even a branch of this system, making us susceptible to serious infections that endanger life. Something that helps us to create resistance to pathogens in our system is immunity, this is the active ability to resist disease. The inmunity has two ways of working in our body, innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

Innate immunity, the body's built-in ability to recognize and destroy pathogens or their products, is lagerly a function of phagocytes, cells that can ingest, kill and digest most microbial pathogens. Innate immune responses develop within hour after contact and infections with a pathogen. Structural features such a the cell wall constituents shared by many pathogens interact with universal receptors on the phagocytes. The interactive phagocytes then active genes that lead to pathogen destruction.

Some pathogens are, however, so virulent that innate responeses are not completely effective. When this happens, the innate response phagocytes activate adaptive immunity to deal with these infections. Adaptive immunity is the acquired ability to recognize and destroy a specific pathogen or its products. Adaptive responses are directed at unique pathogen molecules called antigens. Phagocytes present antigen molecules to lymphoctes, key cells in the adaptive response. The antigens bind specific receptors on the lymphocyte, triggering genes that promote lymphocyte multiplication and production of pathogen-specific proteins that interact with the pathogen, marking it for destruction. A protective adaptive response usually takes several days tos develop; the strength of the adaptive response increases as the numbers of antigen-reactive lymphocytes increase.

So comparing the innate immune response between adaptive immune response, is that the recognition mechanism of innate immunity is that has rapid response (hours), is invariant, limited number of specificities and constant during response. However, the recognition mechanism of adaptive immunity is that has slow response (days to weeks), is variable, numerous highly selective specificities, improve during response, and is able to recognize old pathogens because the cells of this system have memory to destroy the old pathogens. Both immune systems have a common effector mechanism for destruction of pathogens. This video explain to you how our immune system works in presence of a pathogenic bacteria

This information will be found in the textbook,  Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14th Edition- Madigan 

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