Hi, today I will go to write about what is biology and what are the branches in which it develop and the meaning of each branch. Biology is the science that studies living organisms. In the field of biology we study various organisms which are classified within the branch of it. These branches are as follow Cellular Biology or Cytology, Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, Marine Biology, Physiology, Genetics, Zoology, Botany, Ecology and Microbiology. Now, like I wrote before, I will go to write the meaning of each branch. Too, I will divide the meanings of each biology in two sections.
The Cellular Biology or Cytology is the branch that studies the structure and function of cells. It is responsible for understanding the properties, structures, functions and the interaction with the environment of cells. The another branch is Molecular Biology. Molecular Biology is the area of Biology that studies the biological processes on a molecular level. It focuses on studying the interactions of different cell systems. The next, is Developmental biology, this studies the development of living organisms from birth until death. This biology is focuses on the genetic control of cell growth and cell differentiation and morphogenesis. The fourth biology is Marine Biology. Is the branch that is responsible of study all the creatures that live within the marine environment. The last one of this section is Physiology, that is the study of the functions of living beings and is the branch that study the respiratory, reproductive, nervous system, among other systems.
The second section begins with the biology that study biological heritage which is transmitted from generation to generation and is centered in the study of genes formed by segments of DNA and RNA, this biology is Genetics. The second is Zoology. Is the branch that is responsible for study of animal life. Also, we biologists study the plants. The biology that study the plants is botany, through it we can classify, describe, identify and learn about reproduction, morphology or phisiology of the natural beings of the plant world. Furthermore, another science of biology is Ecology that studies the relationship of living beings on the planet with their natural habitat. By last, Microbiology is the study of microorganims, which are the smallest living things like bacteria and fungi.
The most information that you saw above is from http://education.onehowto.com/article/what-are-the-main-branches-of-biology-and-their-definition-1598.html
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